
Marking: black Difficulty: Very demanding
Distance: 14.4 km Status: Closed
Enden trail in the Vesterdalen
The Enden trail in the valley Vesterdalen
Foto: Jan Mielke
The Enden trail in the valley Vesterdalen

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Track statististics

Altitude difference: 483 m    
Lowest point: 755 m Highest point: 1238 m
Vertical meters up: 494 m Vertical meters down: 494 m
Steepest up: 19.1 % Steepest down: 29.3 %
Longest up: 4740 m with a altitude difference of 7 m
Longest down: 3173 m with a altitude difference of 333 m
Incline/Decline >15% 10% - 15% 5% - 10%
Up 908 m 1523 m 743 m
Down 1117 m 1508 m 781 m
Plane (±4%) 7861 m